The Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine is proud to announce members of its inaugural Class of 2022 will continue their medical training in the United States Armed Forces.

The 11 Student Doctors eligible for the Military Match represent an exciting milestone for Idaho’s first medical school, as they are the first ICOM medical students to receive their residency match.
“These student doctors are real trailblazers, forging a path for themselves in the inaugural class of our school and stepping up to provide leadership in so many ways,” said Dr. Thomas J. Mohr, ICOM Dean and Chief Academic Officer. “While all medical students take an oath to serve their patients, these individuals have also raised their hand and pledged their commitment to serving our country by caring for our soldiers, sailors, airmen and their families. Today we celebrate with them as they receive their assignments for the next step in their training.

During “Match Day,” future physicians receive information about where they will complete their post-doctoral specialty training, commonly referred to as a “residency.” Similar to this process, military medical students participate in their own selection process for programs located at military hospitals, clinics and bases.
ICOM’s future military physicians will soon be practicing medicine within the Army, Air Force and Navy military branches.
United States Army
Two will enter Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii.
One will enter Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.
One will enter Madigan Army Hospital in Washington.
One will enter Eisenhower Army Medical Center in Georgia.
United States Air Force
One will enter Travis Air Force Base in California.
Two will enter Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.
United States Navy
One will enter Jacksonville Naval Hospital in Florida.
One will enter Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Virginia.

“This is a proud moment for these students and the ICOM community,” said Dr. Kevin Wilson, ICOM Assistant Dean of Clinical Affairs. “Not only are these the first students to receive their residency match, they have also made a commitment to serve their country and their communities through health.”
The remaining students in ICOM’s Class of 2022 will participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) in March of 2022.