The Mission of the ICOM Campus Security Department is to create a safe and secure learning and working environment while providing outstanding customer service to students, employees, and visitors to the college. This mission will be accomplished through teamwork and collaborative problem solving, utilizing best-practices in the campus security field.

ICOM Campus Security is comprised of experienced, retired law enforcement officers with responsibility for the safety and security of the college. For all serious or life-threatening emergencies, dial 911. For assistance from ICOM Campus Security, call 208.795.4311. This call will forward to the on-duty campus security officer.

Pictured (L-R)

Steve Durham – Campus Security Officer

Tony Dotson – Campus Security Officer

Brian Connolly – Director of Campus Security

Jaimie Barker – Campus Security Officer

Mark Croll – Campus Security Officer



The ICOM building is available for student access from 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. during the academic year. The use of an ICOM ID badge is required for access outside of working hours (8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and for all entrances apart from the managed front entrance during these posted times.

Safety & Security Reporting

Employees, students and guests should report any reports of crimes or suspicious circumstances to Campus Security immediately. Campus Security is present from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., seven days a week, and can be reached at (208) 795.4311. Summer hours may differ. 

Clery Act

What is the Clery Act?

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”), is a federal law requiring colleges and universities to disclose to the United States Department of Education statistics regarding specific crimes occurring on or near campus property. The law is tied to an institution’s participation in federal student financial aid programs. It is this law that requires our annual Security Report, published by October 1 of every year and distributed to students and employees, as well as prospective students and prospective employees.

Emergency Notifications

ICOM may issue emergency notifications for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees. This could include such incidents as gas leaks, hazardous materials spills, or hazardous weather warnings.

Timely Warnings

ICOM will issue a Timely Warning if a Clery Act crime is reported and is considered by the college to represent an ongoing threat to students and/or employees. The decision to broadcast a Timely Warning is determined on a case-by-case basis, and will take into consideration: the nature of the crime, the continuing danger to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

Crime Log

ICOM is required to provide a daily crime log that contains all reported criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents within ICOM Campus Clery geography. This includes all crimes, and not just those required to be reported by the Clery Act. This Crime Log is designed to provide crime information on a more timely basis, and is updated within two business days of when the crime is reported to Campus Security. This includes crimes that are being reported by a Campus Security Authority to Campus Security. The crime log is available by request from the Director of Campus Security and a monthly summary can be found below.

Part of the ICOM Campus Clery geography is contained within the ISU Health Sciences Campus. As such, any incidents occurring in that location will be recorded in both the ISU-Meridian and ICOM Annual Security Reports.

Clery Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training

Many ICOM students, faculty, and staff are identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) through their job functions and have a duty to report Clery specific crimes. Campus Security Authorities will receive regular periodic notices of their duties and be provided information on Clery Training through “CollaborNation” as part of on-boarding and annual self certification as identified by ICOM Human Resources.

It is important that ICOM comply with the federal Clery Act. As a Campus Security Authority (CSA), you are required to complete a CSA Crime Report Form for each crime reported to you within 48 hours of notification. It is not your duty to investigate any alleged crime, but only to report the information that is given to you.

CSA Report Form

Confidential Reporting

Victims or witnesses wishing to report a crime on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the Annual Security Report can submit an anonymous report to ICOM Campus Security by completing the form below. CSA’s must not use this form.

Confidential Report Form

Request for Formal Investigation of Title IX or Other Sexual-Related Incident

Victims or witnesses (complainants) wishing to request a formal investigation into sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and/or sexual violence can do so by completing the form, below. Please complete the form to the best of your ability and send it to the Title IX Officer, Dr. Thomas Moorman and/or AVP of Human Resources, Heidi Powers.


Request for Investigation


Title IX Information & Resources