The Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM) is a private medical school affiliated with Idaho State University. The mission of ICOM is to educate students to become highly competent and caring osteopathic physicians and healthcare leaders dedicated to delivering whole-person care in Idaho and other underserved communities. The College received full accreditation by the American Osteopathic Association’s Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) and graduated its inaugural class in May of 2022. 

Rice Management Company, which manages the endowment for Rice University, is the single largest investor in the College. The Rise Fund, TPG’s multi-sector global impact investing strategy with deep experience in higher education and the healthcare industry, became a minority investor in the College in February of 2022. Learn about ICOM’s Board of Trustees here. 

ICOM was founded in partnership with Idaho State University and other senior Idaho healthcare and government officials to help address the current and growing shortage of physicians in the Mountain West region and beyond. With approval from the Idaho State Board of Education, former Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced the creation of ICOM in February of 2016.

Although Idaho is among the most rapidly growing areas of the country, the state ranks 50th for the number of active physicians per capita, 47th for the number of resident physicians per capita, and 45th for the number of primary care physicians, according to the Association of American Medical College’s (AAMC) 2021 State Physician Workforce Data Report. Prior to the formation of ICOM, Idaho was the most populous state in the nation without a medical school of its own.

Osteopathic Medical School

ICOM is the only osteopathic medical school in Idaho. Students who attend ICOM are trained to become future leaders in the osteopathic medical profession. ICOM is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, the representative organization for more than 186,000 osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical students in the United States.


Osteopathic Physicians

Osteopathic medicine is one of the fastest-growing healthcare professions in the country. In fact, according to the American Osteopathic Association, the number of osteopathic physicians in the U.S. has increased by more than 30% in the past five years.

Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, also known as DOs, practice medicine in all specialties and settings. The majority of osteopathic physicians in the U.S., approximately 57%, practice in a primary care specialty such as Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine.

The philosophy behind osteopathic medicine is what sets DOs apart from their colleagues. With a focus on disease prevention, also referred to as preventive medicine, their whole-person approach to medicine helps promote the body’s natural tendency toward health and self-healing.


Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

The philosophy of osteopathic medicine as mentioned above, incorporates the use of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, also known as OMM. This form of treatment is taught to osteopathic medical students during their training, and can be used to enhance the health and well-being of their future patients.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is also often referred to as Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment. It describes the therapeutic application of manual pressure or force onto a patient’s musculoskeletal system. OMT can be used to help treat a variety of common ailments and provides a non-invasive and medication-free treatment plan for patients. Only osteopathic physicians are trained and licensed to practice osteopathic manipulative treatment.

Learn more about Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine by visiting the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.